Frequently Asked Questions About Danum Valley

The nearest local airport to Danum Valley is located in Lahad Datu. Unless you are from Tawau airport, you will need to take a bus or taxi to go to Lahad Datu which is about 120 kilometres from the airport. Since the conservation area is 70 kilometres from Lahad Datu, it will take 2 and a half hours to get to Danum Valley from Lahad Datu by road. Even though the roads on the way are in good condition, it is advised to travel with a 4×4 as the roads there are frequented by heavy vehicles like logging trucks.

There are two types of accommodation to choose from especially if budget is your concern.

You can opt to stay at Danum Valley Field Centre which provides very basic accommodation but still liveable if you’re on a tight budget but want to still experience Danum Valley. You can opt to stay in the dorm rooms or chalets.

If budget is the least of your concern, then you should opt to stay at the Borneo Rainforest Lodge, a luxurious nature lodge in the heart of the jungle that’s worth the experience. There are 5 options of accommodation there which you can choose from.

Here’s a list of items you might want to consider taking along on your trip:

  • Swimwear
  • Insects repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat
  • Torchlight
  • Binocular
  • Drinking water bottle
  • Swimwear
  • Walking shoes
  • Money (no ATM)
  • Comfortable trekking
  • pack
  • Leech socks
  • Raincoat
  • Toiletries
  • Basic first aid kit

From Tawau to Lahad Datu, road conditions are good. However, from Lahad Datu onwards to Danum Valley, the roads are gravel. It takes about 2 and a half hours to get to Danum Valley from Lahad Datu, so travelling by four-wheel-drive is advisable.

Yes, there’s no problem in bringing along the whole family and your kids with you on an adventure here in Danum Valley. It will be a great experience, especially for the young ones to learn about nature and conservation and hopefully, to ignite a life-long passion towards taking care of the environment.

Since you’re in one of Borneo’s richest rainforests, you should definitely explore as much of its wildlife and flora as you can.

Other activities you can do there is trekking, go swimming at a waterfall, visit an ancient burial site, discover nocturnal wildlife during a night drive, go for nature walks and also bird watching!

Danum Valley is presently a low-risk area for malaria. And though there has never been a reported case in the area, there’s also no guarantee that malaria is not present here. So it is wise to take the necessary precautions when travelling here such as applying mosquito repellent and wearing suitable clothes that protect you from bites.

It is also advisable for you to consult your doctor first about the precautions you can take before and during your travels.

Yes, leeches are one of the well-known inhabitants of Danum Valley. If you are bitten by one or more of them, don’t panic. They’re harmless and easy to remove by just flicking them a couple of times. Removing them by harming them is the last thing you should do. Bear in mind that they are also a part of the ecosystem in Danum Valley, and so allow nature to work its own course.

If you would like to minimise the possibility of being bitten by a leech, wear leech socks and appropriate clothing.

Being in the tropics, you can expect Danum Valley to be both hot and humid throughout the year. It also rains occasionally, which is expected in the rainforest. Temperatures here range between 28°C to 30°C. Definitely advisable to bring a raincoat along for this trip.

Being a vast area of primary rainforest, Danum Valley is home to a myriad of incredible flora and fauna. There are various species of plants, wildlife and birds you will be able to spot here. However, luck does play a part especially in spotting wildlife.

Here’s a list of some of the wildlife you can sight here:

  • Bornean pygmy
  • elephant
  • Mouse deer
  • Civets
  • Leopard cat
  • Orangutan
  • Rhinoceros hornbill
  • Clouded leopard
  • Western Tasier
  • Sun bear
  • And the list just goes on..

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